In her art practice, Daria Minina (RU, 1995) is interested by the youth, the intimacy, the world’s state and its challenges, especially in her home country, Russia. She tries to break stereotypes, to raise awareness and to propose a new perspective and to make the public think. Despite their purely informative messages, her visuals are inspired by the contemporary culture, arts and fashion. Before her study in Photography School, she studied Internationals Relationship at the State University of Saint Petersburg and at Sciences Po Paris. Her work have been published by Vice, Prospekt Magazine, Oyster and Calvert Journal. She also took part to many activities in various universities as Alec Soth’s conference in Ukraine. This year, she became the youngest photograph to get into the International Summer School of Photography (ISSP) – the workshop du photographe américain Jason Fulford (Lettonie) .