Marwan Bassiouni New Dutch Views
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2019
New Dutch Views began as Marwan Bassiouni’s graduation project from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Bassiouni traveled all over the Netherlands to photograph a variety of Dutch landscapes, all viewed through the windows of local mosques. The images reference the rich history of Dutch landscape painting, often depicted as seen through a window. The publication is oversized to allow the reader to take in both the mosque interiors and the scenery outside. The project encourages a new way of looking at Europe’s rapidly changing population and social landscape as a result of immigration. “As a photo editor, I get a lot of pitches for photo essays—this is one of the best ideas I’ve seen in years in terms of visually pulling together a moment in time that’s happening in both Europe and the United States,” Joanna Milter says. “A powerful idea; beautifully executed.”
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