Laurent Montaron
2006 - 6' – Coulor
Courtesy: cnap (centre national des arts plastiques)

The photographs and video works of Laurent Montaron puts on a show in a mysterious mode the potential or occurred out-of –the-field events and absents from the image, the beats of a distended time, the opposite of reality. These composite snapshots place the viewer in front of the contradictory injunction of putting them at distance or to accept its dreamlike logic, to remain at the threshold of the image or to plunge into the very heart of a floating narrative.
What Remains is Future fits in this continuous floating science-fiction narrative, without any real narrative that evokes, in the form of a stereoscopic film, Zeppelin Hindenburg’s accident in 1937.


Thursday 8 NOV - 4PM
DÉCOMPOSÉ(E)S (99')- projection series including "What remains is future"

Saturday 10 NOV - 4PM
DÉCOMPOSÉ(E)S (99')- projection series including "What remains is future"