Sadie Benning 
1992 - 15’’ -  Black and white video, sound.
Courtesy: cnap (centre national des arts plastiques)

In her autobiographical films, Sadie Bennig makes a scene of herself in close-up. The shots on the face alterns with urban views, collages, drawings, TV shows extracts, movies, found footage. The very rich soundtrack gives its rhythm to the filmed sequences.
Sadie Benning erects here a story on women’s condition in a humoristic way. She multiplies iconic women exhibitions, in a criticism of the American patriarchal society. The “cut” editing multiplies the figures and patterns on a rhythm removed thanks to the music. Each scene is filmed like a music video, with a fast and fragmentary editing process.


Thursday 8 NOV - 4PM
DÉCOMPOSÉ(E)S (99')- projection series including "Girl Power"

Saturday 10 NOV - 4PM
DÉCOMPOSÉ(E)S (99')- projection series including "Girl Power"