An Ecstatic Experience, Ja'Tovia Gary, Courtesy of the artist and frank elbaz Gallery
An Ecstatic Experience, Ja'Tovia Gary, Courtesy of the artist and frank elbaz Gallery


Ja’Tovia Gary - 6” - 2015 Courtesy of the artist & frank elbaz Gallery

This film is an experimental manipulation of documentary images (particularly for its color and animation) illustrating African-American oppression and resistance. Including excerpts from a 1965 TV show in which actress Ruby Dee incarnates Fannie Moore, born in 1849 in South Carolina, she testifies to her life as a slave in 1937 as part of the Federal Writers' Slave Narrative Project. Viewings: Saturday 10 NOV - 2PM MASQUÉ(E)S (74')- projection series including "An ecstatic experience" Sunday 11 NOV - 4PM MASQUÉ(E)S (74')- projection series including "An ecstatic experience"