The Platform
LUCE Lebart
Luce Lebart is a photography historian and the french correspondent for the Archive of Modern Conflict Collection. Her last researches were On archives and the sensible history of photographic techniques. Her last publications include Inventions (1915-1938) coedited in 2019 by the CNRS and RVB-BOOKS) ; Gold and Silver (RVB-BOOKS, 2018) ; Les grands photographes du XXe siècle (Larousse, 2017) ; Lady Liberty (Le Seuil 2016) ; Les silences d’Atget (Textuel, 2016). Presented at the Rencontres d’Arles 2019, her last exhibition, La Saga des Inventions : du masque à gaz à la machine à laver was dedicated to the archives of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). Since 2012, she curated 18 exhibitions of historical photography presented in various festivals and museums in France and abroad.