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FRANçoise paviot


Holding a DEA of letters, lecturer at IESA, Françoise Paviot has hosted, at the Documentation Française, an interdepartmental comitee which set up management policies for photographic collections in France. She has written, notably, Analyse de l’Image fixe and Adresses utilises pour la photographie, among other titles, as well as numerous prefaces. She is also the author of Paris en fête, Le Paris des photographes, Emeric Feher : à la vie à l’image. She has also curated several exhibitions including l’Hommage à René-Jacques at the Musée de la Marine, Dieter Appelt:Cinéma Prisma at la maison rouge, Emeric Feher A la vie à l’image at the Château d’Angers and We were five at the Musée Réattu.