The Platform



Graduated from Science Po and ENA, Agnès Saal was president of INA from 2014 to 2015, director of the Centre Pompidou (Paris) from 2007 to 2014, and director of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France between 2001 and 2007. Since 2018, she is a highranking official in charge of diversity and equality policies at the French Ministry of Culture. Gender equality, great cause of the five year mandate of Emmanuel Macron, is a very important issue in our society and one of the priority axis of the French Ministry of Culture, which, was in October 2017, the first state administration to receive both of the two Afnor labels of Professionnal Equality and Diversity. The French Ministry carries out its commitment in all its policies, and equality is a major issue in photography. In this matter, the path Elles x Paris Photo and the symposium organized by Fannie Escoulen in 2018, initiated by the Ministry de la Culture and Paris Photo, unveiled woman artists often forgotten, if not invisible. This program, which the Ministery wished to pursue in 2019, wants to raise awareness and to initiate a voluntarist strategy.

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